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Conversion Optimisation

Experimentation and CRO are all about creating and shaping a truly data-driven culture and way of working. Are you just about to embark on this journey altogether or do you need some support or course-corrections along the way? You have landed on the right page.

CRO Audit

The CRO Audit offers a thorough examination of your website's current conversion rate optimization strategies and sheds light on opportunities for growth and optimisation. We delve deep into your site's analytics, user experience, and overall performance to identify areas of improvement. By uncovering hidden challenges and opportunities, we provide actionable insights and recommendations to enhance your website's effectiveness and conversion potential. This audit is the first step towards a more data-driven and user-focused online presence.

CRO Process & Tooling

The CRO Process & Tooling Setup service is designed to establish a solid foundation for your ongoing optimization efforts. We assist in implementing the right tools and processes that streamline your CRO activities. This includes setting up advanced analytics, A/B testing platforms, test ticket management systens and user behavior analysis tools. Our goal is to equip your team with the necessary resources and workflows to continuously improve your website's performance and user experience.

Experiment Design & Build

Here's where tangible progress is made. We work on creating and implementing effective A/B or multivariant tests. We work closely with you to formulate hypotheses based on data-driven insights, design experiments to test these hypotheses, and build the necessary code to run these tests on your environment. This service is key to systematically improving your website, ensuring that every change contributes positively to your conversion goals.

Ongoing CRO & Experimentation

This is the prime cut of what we can offer you. Give us the keys and let us take full care of your experimentation program - which includes process, ideation, test execution, ongoing analysis and impact reporting. We then work as your external center of excellence for experimentation that continuously drives impact and conversion. 

Experimentation Culture Building

The Experimentation Culture Building service is aimed at fostering a mindset of constant improvement within your organization. We help instill a culture where data-driven decision-making and experimentation are at the core of your business strategy. This involves training your team, establishing best practices, and creating an environment that encourages innovation and learning from both successes and failures. This service transforms the way your team approaches challenges and opportunities, leading to sustainable growth and success.